masteroofing glasgow masteroofing glasgow

Restore and protect your roof

Roof cleaning

A high-pressured power wash eliminates all the damaging moss and lichen from the roof. This reduces the strain on the tiles and increases the roof’s capacity to breath and naturally dry.

An anti-fungicidal treatment is then applied to combat the return of moss
and lichen. Our comprehensive service includes as standard:


Replacement of any missing or damaged tiles

Completion of any required cement pointing

Cleaning your roofline area and gutters

Protective Coatings

When your roof is totally clean and dry a protective coating
can then be applied. Dac Hydro Plus from Rust-Oleum provides
vital protection for roof tiles against water ingress, moss and lichen.

Available in a range of colour finishes, the coating solution also gives
your roof a brand-new look.


Protects - the solution creates an impermeable water barrier

Strengthens - it extends the lifespan of your roof

Enhances - it transforms the look of your home


Masteroofing are certified by Rust-Oleum Europe for the application
of their Roof Coating Products.

Roof repairs
Flat roofs
PVCU Roofline
Velux windows
Roof cleaning & coatings
New Tiled Roofs
New Tiled Roofs
Product data